Creative Paths Learning Studio Branding
Creative Paths Learning Studio combines the professionalism and educational quality of a day care center in the comfort of a home. They believe “that a purposefully designed learning environment enhances the educational experience.”
— Logo Suite
— Color
— Brand Guidelines
Earlier Concepts
The themes for our earlier concept were “imagination” and “play.” The logo featured doodles and custom lettering. The treatment was very illustrative and whimsical, mirroring illustration styles found in children’s books. The rough lettering style is intentionally a bit clumsy—a nod to finger painting.
We eventually decided to go in a different direction and focus on education as a theme. To emphasize the idea that children learn best through play, discovery, senses, and exploration by representing those experiences within one image. One major aspect of Creative Paths that sets it apart from other day cares is that it is set in within a home rather than a commercial building, so I wanted the idea of “home” to be the focal point of the logo. From there I built a little scene using items often found in classrooms—art supplies, music, and building blocks (the base of the house).